Friday, January 23, 2009


My devotion today was about hats! Yep, you've got it! Hats! I love hats....don't look very good in a hat..but I've come to realize they keep my head & ears warm. Especially in this chilly weather.
But that's not the kind of hat my devotional was about. It was about all the different hats we wear as a wives, mothers, teachers, nurses, counselors, chauffeurs, coaches, chefs and housekeepers. We sometimes lose the focus of who we are because of all our hats. I know I often have to stop and re-evaluate which hats I should be wearing.
God's word is pretty clear, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might BECOME the righteousness of God."
I get to BECOME. Becoming is a process that takes time and determination and a willingness to put the past behind us and look forward to becoming a new being. This takes time.....hmmmmm! When I make my relationship with JC my #1 priority I will be all I need to be while becoming the righteousness of God. One day....I will look good in the hats God has designed specifically for me. Today my prayer is that God will show me which hats I need to focus on for today or maybe even take off altogether.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Praying for my Kids

So I have been praying the 7 X 7 for my kids.....something I had seen on my very special SIL's Blog. (once I figure out how to add that link I will) It has been a neat way to pray for each child.
I have been doing alot of praying lately...I don't like conflict and feel like there has been "some" between J and myself lately. So I have been spending some extra time examining my heart and how God would use me in this.
I have seen that it might be better to just let this be! Let J see his actions have re-actions. I will continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will show him how to exercise his spiritual gifts, and enable him to bear all the fruits of the Spirit-love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
I am also going to continue to pray for J & V as a couple. That God will guide them. That they will enjoy a wonderful relationship. That they would pass along a rich heritage to future generations.
This is going to all be hard...I want to be in control....okay...Jesus...YOU are in control...I give up!

Protect my mouth and my thoughts Jesus!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I just want to help.........

I totally understand and respect that the young couple want to plan and carry out their wedding plans.....but the wedding will not happen in a vacuum, void of others. We, the in-laws and his siblings will play an integral part on this wedding day. Wouldn't it be very considerate and respectful of them to consider our thoughts in the planning process.

Empathy and tact can go a long way in diffusing any possible areas for disagreement between them and us. Share your wedding plans with us. Let us know which details are a must for your wedding.

Ask for our suggestions in areas that are less of a priority for you (e.g. seating arrangement on the groom's side of the family, the guest list for the groom's side, let us be a part of choosing bride's maid dresses)

Keep us informed with updates on how the wedding planning process is progressing and accept our offers to help, where appropriate (e.g. to make wedding favours, perhaps, or to make snacks for the wedding party on the day of wedding to keep everyone energized and well fed?).

I guess it just makes us sad that our son is getting married and we don't feel like we are a part of it other then financially. I guess we will just continue to pray about this.....

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I feel like that is what I have been doing! But really I have just filled my days with "busy"ness. Trying to take away some of the feelings of failure I have and just craving that wanted feeling. I mean all we really want is to be wanted...right! Well...I want some business to want me to work for them so I can take the financial burden off of my wonderful dh shoulders. But I just gave that burden to someone who has filled my day and life with love and hope.....and peace.

Ususally when I head to bed I listen to my dh snore....hehe...and then thoughts of my day flood my head, concerns for things of tomorrow and hopes for the future just race thru my head. So I switch on the prayer switch and just lay it all out for Jesus.

King David should have had a much harder time then me falling asleep...after all his own son Absalom had rebelled against him and had gathered a crew of soldiers to kill him. Yet in Psalm 3:5 he said,"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me." David slept like a baby because he trusted every part of his life to be in the hands of the Lord. So even though I know today I will be pursued by stress and strife trying to sap away my quality of life....I will look to the the Lord as my source of life, peace and rest.

No sleeping pill is a better prescription for rest than spending some pillow talk prayer time with I will have sweet dreams! I will give my worries for today to him!