Wednesday, April 1, 2009

God's Grace gives us Healing.....

"How badly do we want to be healed? For so many years my reluctance to forgive was like a darkness inside, a barrier that barred joy and love and so many good things from my life.
Forgiveness smashed that barrier and has enabled me to experience giving and receiving love again.
I've seen mankind's idea of justice. I have more faith in God's. And even God seems to put a higher priority on forgiveness than justice. We don't sing "Amazing Justice"; we sing Amazing Grace." Justice didn't do a thing to heal me. Forgiveness did."

So I have been praying for my friend and her son....let's just say...alot! So these words by Debbie Morris struck a spot in my heart. Not that we don't deserve the punishment the justice system gives to us.....we do...and we are to respect that authority. Our actions have re-actions. When there has been an outright admission of sin, and remorse for sins and asking for is given.

So this is what I will pray,"Now I commit you, D, to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you, D, an inheritance among all those who are sanctified." Acts 20:32


At April 2, 2009 at 7:36 PM , Blogger Journeying Five said...

would still love to chat and know more of what is on your mind

At April 4, 2009 at 8:05 PM , Blogger mr zig said...

Great post Kim!

although forgiveness has not been a struggle in my life, I only recently discovered it's importance... and for some reason It keeps popping up all over the place! Love your description of how lack of forgiveness was like a barrier - very thought provoking post! Thank you!


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