I am addicted! White, brown, 100% natural raw....you name it...I'm using it! As I read my devotions I realized I am not the only one who struggles with this.
And saying, "It's not fair that I have this body that I have to watch everything I eat when that girl eats junk and stays a size 4... one piece of cheesecake wouldn't be so bad, right?"
My flesh buys right into Satan's lie that it's not fair for things to be withheld from me. So I bite into the forbidden fruit and allow Satan to write 'shame' across my heart. Once you taste the forbidden fruit, you will crave it worse than you craved it before, giving temptation more and more power. And given enough power, temptation will start to consume our thoughts, redirect our actions, and demand our worship. Temptation doesn't take kindly to be starved.
I am going to be starting a strict eating plan in September....part of this plan is no sugar! Which doesn't sound so bad until you realize sugar is in just about everything we enjoy eating. Breads, pasta, potatoes, rice and not to mention all things bakery-licious. Which I love and so do many in my home!
I know what you are all saying already, "I just undermined myself for declaring my intention." Well...no way!!! I am giving you all the opportunity to call me out and be my encouragers and prayer supporters.
I know that I am going to struggle here...but I am going to be totally relying on God's strength to carry me thru this one. If I try to do this on my own strength… a strength that has failed me before and will fail me again I might as well not even try. I am grabbing hold of God's strength and the only way to do that is to invite His power into my situation. I am mentally giving God control of the situation by reciting truths I've been banking up in my heart. "I'm more than a conqueror." "Lead us not into temptation but DELIVER us from the evil one." "The law of God is in his heart; his feet do not slip."
Compromise built upon compromise equals failure. Instead, resisting temptation will allow promise upon promise to be built up in my heart, which equals Holy Spirit empowerment!
As James 1 promises, "This testing of your faith develops perseverance and perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature, complete, not lacking anything."
Dear Lord, help me to see my sacrifice in light of Your truth. The truth is, this sacrifice is a necessary part of me seeking You - the only true fulfillment and satisfaction of my body, mind and soul. Give me strength, Lord. Remind me to rely on Your truth and Your Spirit to empower me moment by moment. In Jesus' Name, Amen.