And The Greatest of These Is Love
I love God's word. I am learning so much about me and God's place for me as I dive into His word.
Our care group has been doing this amazing study on Growth, training vs. trying. I am not good at training. I can try...but training seems like alot of work! But this study has really shown me the importance of training...being persistant, especially in studying God's word. If I want to grow..I have to train. To have spiritual growth is to have a life of wonder, joy, worship, gratitude, servanthood, humility, courage, truth....and always LOVE.
So one of the training exercises was to look at my week and take note of the concrete ways God's signature, of love, is evident in my life. Acts of grace, kindness, daily provision, protection, refreshment......
I've been keeping a running list:
- feeling of peace after confession
- ability to block out distractions while I study
- food on our table
- safe travel on the highways
- good sleep..even if Don is snoring
- awareness of how my words will impact the person I am speaking to
Kim is patient & kind. Kim is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Kim does not demand her own way. Kim is not irritable, and keeps no record of when she has been wronged. Kim is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever truth wins. Kim never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.
Most of this makes me I will continue to train....I do not want to fruitlessly pursue activities or accomplishments that are not born from love and do not result in love.